I took the opportunity to have lunch at Shopsin's, my favorite NYC eatery. I had to wait for about 40 minutes to get a seat but as always it was worth the wait. I also did some shopping in Soho- oh I am such a hick from the sticks...
Anyway, here are 7 of the 8 pieces I did for the postcard show (the photo of the 8th came out quite blurry, sorry.) I'm pretty happy with them, I like making the little cracked open rib cages.

Your postcard sized art is quite lovely. There I get an odd feeling that Gone with the Wind got mixed up with a little Voodoo with Vermont sensibilities.
Thanks, Mark- Some folks find them a bit grisly but I think of it as showing what's in their hearts. I made a sheet of printed ribcages from a Dover CD, the scraps from the process are interesting also- who knows they may show up someday incorporated in some art.
The postcard pieces are wonderful! I love it when your art leans to the bizarre...which I suppose is most of it.
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