I had written in an earlier post about jurying and the possibility of work not being accepted into a show (in other words: rejected.) Well, I can now reaffirm that while it is not fatal, it is not the best way to start the day. I had entered a piece into a show with the theme "Poetic" and felt pretty sure I was going to get in... well, think again.
I was not able to assist the jurying last evening but came in this morning to hang the show. I came into the gallery and saw some pieces arranged around the walls- mine not among them. Aha......
The morning was an exercise in not letting my sharp tongue get the better of me- as the saying goes, it's never too late to shut up. But we hung the show and despite my not being in it, it is a coherent show. And I have a piece in the show in the lower gallery so I should buck up and shut up, which I will starting now...